
Friday, May 7, 2010

William Thompson Open Studio/Oregonian Article

In The Oregonian's Editorial Section May 7th edition, there is an article written by Mike Francis about artist William Thompson, one of our clients.  Featured in the article is William's painting, A Soldier's Vision.

William's personal statement about this painting:
This painting is inspired by my friend, Brian Currier, who asked me upon my return from Iraq if I could paint a picture of my thoughts on where I would rather be while I was in combat. Of course, the painting depicts a fictional situation of me painting a picture of where I would rather have been. One of the Iraqi soldiers shown standing guard is immortalized in this piece. I had worked closely with him for five months prior to his death. These are realistic examples of what I experienced in combat and show the distractions of the day to day combat life, while also showing the silver lining in a very dark cloud, i.e. the opposites of war and peace, friends and enemies, and life and death.  Although there is a lot going on in "A Soldier's Vision," I am hoping that those who see the painting will draw something from the examples of life for the solider and see that it is a lot more complicated than just right or wrong. It is about the individual soldier's experiences in combat. I know that some people will see my painting and come to their own conclusions about what it means to them. I am hoping that they can see the human sacrifice of war both by the solider and by the innocent caught in the crossfire.

William Thompson is having an open-studio showing for the first time this weekend, in conjunction with another artist. It will take place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 2126 S.W. Arnold St. in Portland. The public is welcome.

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